CSE (social and economic committee): definition, composition and role

The social and economic committee (CSE) is the new body that replaces all the institutions representing the staff of the company.

 What is the social and economic committee?

The social and economic committee (CSE) is a body that represents the staff of a company. It is compulsory from 1 January 2018 in all companies with at least 11 employees. Companies have until 1 January 2020 to set it up to replace the former works council CE, the staff delegates DP and the health, safety and working conditions committee CHSCT.

When should you implement the CSE in a company? 

The EWC is set up in all companies with at least 11 employees. The deadline for setting up the committee is phased in at the end of the mandate of the previous committee. The CSE is set up, depending on the size of the company, at the level of the company with at least 11 employees, an economic and social unit (UES) or at the inter-company level. Establishment CSEs and a central company CSE are set up in companies with at least 50 employees with at least two separate establishments.

What are the functions of the CSE?

The functions of social and economic committee There are many ESCs in a company because it is the result of the merger of all the elected employee representatives in the company.The social and economic committee of the company has the task of reporting collective or individual complaints of employees in relation to working conditions in accordance with the application of the Labour Code.The elected members of the ETUC are consulted on issues relating to the organisation of work in the company and the management of the company. They intervene on different vectors, in particular on the management of working conditions, health and safety of employees.

The CSE election of members (social and economic committee)

The CSE election takes place every four years in companies with fewer than 11 employees to elect CSE members. Companies with less than 11 employees can also have the CSE through a collective agreement. The calculation of the CSE threshold is 11 or 50 employees reached during 12 consecutive months, as opposed to 11 or 50 employees reached during the last 12 months or the last three years before the CSE election. If the company does not reach this quota of employees, the ETUC will not be renewed at the end of the current mandate. It is clear that this threshold is more difficult to reach. The ETUC elections are organised by the employer.


The composition of the CSE

the CSE is made up of:

  • the employer 
  • A staff delegation (comprising a number of supplements equal to the number of fixed members) 
  • CSE union representative

The CSE is made up of members who have a certain number of hours, depending on the size of the company, to carry out their CSE tasks. These hours are considered as working time and are paid as such. They will be given a room and permission to hold periodic meetings, and they also have the right to display their work within the company.  they can post any information they consider necessary to inform employees of their rights. And bring to their attention the compulsory trade union information is provided for.


The term of office of the CSE

The members of a company's social and economic committee are elected for a period of four years.  This period may be reduced from 2 to 3 years with prior agreement established by the CSE.

 CSE operating budget 

The operating budget The CSE (social and economic committee) of a company is similar to the CSE works council. For the works council, the basis for calculating the operating budget and the ASC (social and cultural activities) is the gross wage bill. On the other hand, for the operating budget of the CSE, the calculation basis corresponds to the total wage bill from the DSN nominative declaration. The nominative social declaration does not include legal indemnities, conventional and transactional indemnities for termination of the employment contract.The use of the DSN for the calculation of the subsidy may turn out to be less advantageous than that of the gross wage bill for the implementation of the CSE gift. The social and economic committee has an operating budget and a budget for the company's social and cultural activities. 

What are the missions of the CSE (social and economic committee)?

In small companies, their tasks are similar to those of the employee delegate. The larger the company, the more extensive the social and economic committee's competences will be. Their task is to present employees' complaints to the employer and to defend their interests with the employer. It also ensures that the work of employees is carried out properly, using appropriate tools in their work area. The CSE is concerned with promoting health and working conditions within the company. Keeps itself informed of any accidents at work to ensure that employees' rights are not infringed. The ETUC can also refer the matter to the labour inspectorate if it finds any anomalies in relation to the working conditions provided by the employer. 

CSE gift: CSE gift idea

The corporate committee gifts and vouchers offered by the CSE to the employee or through the head of the company are subject to the rules on social security contributions (unless they constitute a benefit). It is a benefit that the head of the company offers to his employees in return for or on the occasion of work.At the centre of its remit, the company's ESC manages the social and cultural activities that are part of the development and enjoyment of all employees. In this context, he/she is required to prepare the distribution of discount tickets, gift tickets or even access to cultural, artistic or simply fun events, such as performances, matches, exhibitions, festivals, etc. This method allows employees to access and take advantage of all these offers with their loved ones, whenever they want and according to the cse operating budget allocated to each one in this framework.

5 CSE gift ideas

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  •  Laptop
  •  Personalized goodies
  •  Home appliance
  •  high-tech gadget  

 All of our CSE gift ideas can be personalised with your company's logo or any other customised message.Original CSE gift idea, unique CSE gift idea, high-tech CSE gift idea, consult our online catalog; or request your quote online in a few clicks on our website.  A dynamic and responsive team is at your disposal for any particular question.


To benefit from the exemption from social security contributions on all the discount vouchers and CSE gifts offered to your employees, the amount must not exceed €169 in 2019, i.e. 5 % of the monthly social security ceiling during a calendar year.If this threshold is exceeded over the calendar year, for each event giving rise to the allocation of vouchers, it is necessary to verify whether the following three conditions are met.The voucher must be awarded in connection with one of the following events (birth, adoption, marriage, civil partnership, retirement, Mother's Day, Father's Day, St Nicholas' Day, St Catherine's Day, Christmas, back to school) and must be used in an activity related to the event for which it is awarded.

  • the amount of the ESC gift or voucher must be in line with customary practice, i.e. 5 % of the monthly social security ceiling. Vouchers can therefore be accumulated per event if they respect this threshold. 

CSE benefits for employees

  • Ticket office and show
  •  vacation and travel
  •  relaxation leisure and culture
  •  gift certificate
  •  legal permanence
  •  exceptional assistance granted with a former employee made redundant in 15 minutes feelings for economic reasons
  •  fight against the exclusion of certain employees 

The CE gifts CSE allows employees of a company to choose the activities that interest them and that best match their interests. They can make the choice of gift this cse through an online ticket office with a personal space where they can manage their personal activities with their loved ones. By using his login and password, the employee has access to all the discounts offered by the CSE via his smartphone, his tablet or his computer, any device that allows him to connect to the internet. The employee can therefore access his tickets at any time in order to print them for the activity he has chosen. A simple, fast and efficient access.

Business leader advantage

The CSE gifts to give a better image of the company to the employees.There are many occasions to offer gifts to employees. It is not only the end of year celebrations that can be used to offer gifts, you can offer gifts all year round to reward your employees and partners in order to celebrate an internal event, an event related to the private life of an employee such as a wedding, a birth, a birthday etc. However, in the case of events linked to the private life of the employee, only the employees concerned by the events will be entitled to the company's ESC gifts.An employee who does not have children will not receive any gift vouchers for the children's first day of school, of course.

CSE Guide

Do you want to set up your CSE social and economic commission and are you looking for a CSE guide? do not panic here you will find all the necessary information about the CSE social economic commission. Learn about this new company committee which brings together the former staff representation since the implementation by the Macron ordinances of September 22, 2017 as part of the reform of the labor code.In the CSE guide you will find the information you need to understand how a CSE works and how to set it up. The change of institution to the social and economic committee (CSE) will be gradual until January 2020 in companies.

Training course for CSE members

Members of social and economic committee the CSE of a company benefits from a training course of a maximum of 5 days for the new holders to train them to carry out their CSE mission correctly. training will be remunerated in the same way as working time, this time will therefore not be deducted from the employee's training hours.

Protected employee status

Like the members in the former staff representative institutions, the members of the CSE benefit from a protective status: the status of protected employee.The status of protected employee means that CSE members are not subject to discrimination and pressure from the employer because of their position in the company. Their dismissal must be submitted beforehand to the labour inspector in order to analyse the real and relevant elements of the reason for dismissal.The members of the social and economic committee, the CSE, are obliged to hold meetings with pre-established agendas, based on the recommendations of the employees. The purpose of these meetings is to inform the head of the company about the demands and possible difficulties of employees in their daily work. Measures are then discussed to improve the conditions of the employees 

Union representative

The union representative is a local actor within companies.  The trade union delegate is a trade union representative appointed by a representative trade union in the company. It is through him or her that the trade union makes its claims, demands or proposals known to the employer and negotiates collective agreements. The trade union delegate has the resources to carry out his or her role. He or she can hold several different offices at the same time. The cse trade union delegate presents the employees' demands to the head of the company. He or she can accompany an employee during a preliminary interview for a sanction. can extend to accompanying an employee to the Prudhomme.The role of the trade union delegates is to negotiate the salaries of employees, working hours and the organisation of work within the organisation, as well as ensuring that gender equality is respected at work. He fought for the professional integration of disabled workers and for the maintenance of the latter.The employer must also enter into annual negotiations with the union delegates on the following issues, if there is no existing agreement:

  • Employee savings (profit-sharing, participation or savings plan)
  • CSE set up: Conditions for a health insurance scheme
  • Employees' right of expression.

The employer and unions can also negotiate on issues of their choice at any time outside the mandatory negotiations. Number of trade union delegates in a company in the Vendée the number of employees in the company.   The number of union delegate cse in companies with Workforce between 50 and 999 employees is 1 union delegate. The mandate of the CSE union delegate can be combined with the functions of employee representative, member of the staff negation on the social and economic committee article in function of CSE union representative within the social and economic committee (the CSE).

CSE Social and Economic Committee

Since September 2017 the CSE (social and economic committee) has replaced the CE (works council). For all companies with a minimum of 11 employees, the social and economic committee, set up by Emmanuel Macron as part of the labour reform, centralises all the institutions representing the company's staff. It will continue to evolve between now and 2020 to replace the staff delegates, the CHSCT and also the works councils. It is with a view to improving the understanding of the administrations of a company and simplifying the single representation of the personnel that these reforms have been put in place. There will therefore be compulsory elections of delegates which include this group in order to define the general running of the company, in particular by managing the measures specific to the working conditions of the employees, the implementation of the means to manage the workforce or the volumes as well as all the economic and legal trade union organisations.

Establishment of the CSE

The persons constituting this group of the former social and economic committee benefit from a financing of 0.20 % of the gross wage bill of the company so that they can ensure their function, they can thus invest in social or cultural activities for the benefit of the employees. It is also possible to transfer the surplus budget of the current year to the functioning of the CSE up to 10 %. 

CSE management

It will be necessary to be assiduous in the management of the CSE group because during controls by the labour inspectorate, the CSE is considered to be a companion and therefore specifies to the labour inspector the conditions and modalities of operation of the company. It will be necessary to have at least 6 meetings per year, which are decided by collective agreement if there is one. In general and in some companies the meetings can be held several times a month, especially when the company has more than 300 employees. 

Training of elected officials

 Fortunately, elected representatives who wish to join the social and economic committee, also known as the CSE, benefit from a training course aimed at clarifying the ins and outs of their role, for a maximum of five days. Anyone can therefore be considered eligible for the position if they feel they have the profile to carry out their tasks. Depending on the size of the company the CSE delegates will spend more or less time working on the Rolls, counting around 16 hours for companies with between 11 and 100 employees and beyond for the largest companies this corresponds to 35 hours per month, so a full week of work as a delegate for 3 weeks of paid work. The employer has no right to substitute or modify your income when you act as a delegate in relation to the contract you have with him as an employee. In theory, the employer has no right of subordination with regard to the activities you will be carrying out within the social and economic committee. However, in reality, the employer has a right of supervision and can demand to be informed in advance about your working hours and the nature of your activities as a CSE delegate.

The term of office

The term of office for the staff of the social and economic committee remains unchanged and for a maximum of four years in the case of a collective agreement this can be reduced to two or three years. It is not possible to renew the mandate more than three times for staff elected to the ESC. 

The ESC's right to alert

The CSE always has a right to alert, i.e. if it considers that there is an infringement of people's rights and their freedom, or even their danger, then it can exercise its right to alert. This also applies in the event of abuse of employment contracts, particularly in the case of fixed-term contracts. 

The functioning of the CSE

In order to resume the role and functioning of the CSE, it is important to specify that the latter must be kept informed of new measures concerning the general functioning of the company, namely the following points

  • Any measures that effect a change in the workforce within the company
  • All economic, legal and social developments in society, 
  • The working conditions and time use of employees as well as the management of the professional training allocated to them
  • The various major purchases and developments that may have an impact on employees' working conditions, health and safety, as well as technological developments such as the renewal of IT equipment or the addition of new equipment or machines
  • Provisions that will improve the daily life of employees, in particular with regard to the management of accidents at work or people suffering from chronic or occasional illnesses, including the adaptation of workstations and the surrounding conditions in such a way as to encourage and facilitate their continued employment

It would therefore be detrimental to the good behaviour of the ETUC committee if the management or the offices did not keep the committee informed of all these two positions, as all its future actions and the meetings set up will allow for debate and adjustment of proposals in accordance with these elements. dialogue is therefore necessary between the employer and the works councilThere are no grey areas or conflicting notions, on the contrary, the objective is to improve the health of the company and to move forward. The employer can therefore rely on the new CSE body to obtain opinions and a report on various points; 

  • Strategic orientations and choices for the company's development
  • The means implemented to improve the health of employees but also to control them within their activity
  • Staff management with the possibility of adding, deleting, or restructuring them in order to optimise the wage bill in the appropriate positions. 
  • The overall policy of the company with the working conditions for the employees but also the employment and recruitment management. 
  • The implementation of means to safeguard the company in the event of judicial liquidation or recruitment and to anticipate a possible collective redundancy for economic reasons.

What is the role of the CSE? 

The role of the CSE committee is also to present all complaints, whether collective or individual, to the employer. It therefore plays a role of relay and representative of the employees while having the expertise entrusted to it by centralising the requests and transmitting them assiduously to the management. Its role is also to monitor compliance with the regulations and standards that both the employer and the employees must respect. In the event of non-compliance with certain regulations within the company, he is entitled to warn the employer and if the employer does not wish to follow up on the matter, a right of alert may be issued, which would call into question the employer's lack of action. 

The CSE committee must promote the social progress of the company but also the health of the employees with the realization of investigations and internal audit to improve the working conditions and to avoid to the maximum the danger which could have repercussions by work accidents or professional diseases. Following these investigations, it must be able to make proposals for the necessary adjustments or changes in conditions that will allow a more serene and less damaging future for the company. It is following the meetings that he can issue reports and transmit them to the head of the company.

In order to carry out the meetings in a suitable environment and in a setting conducive to exchange on CSE committee A dedicated room or office must be provided for all weekly or monthly meetings. The ESC cannot therefore be prevented from interviewing employees or providing them with survey forms for the purposes of the ESC's tasks. The elected delegate members of the CSE benefit from a special protection against dismissal because they are able to issue warnings and implicitly to put obstacles in the wheels of the management with the implementation of measures which were perhaps not necessarily foreseen but judged necessary by the committee. it should not be possible to dismiss a delegate member of the CSE on the grounds of pressure.

In the case of companies with more than 50 employees the economic social committee has a special commission for health, safety and working conditions only if the agreement so provides. In the case of companies with more than 300 employees, there is an obligation to have these different commissions, which have an independent role, but which will allow them to better manage the issues specific to their activity, so as not to mix the nature of the missions, which have a much broader role or impact to deal with, because there are many more employees.

In the case of companies with more than 50 employees, the role of the health, safety and working conditions branch of the ESC is to analyse the occupational risks associated with the activities of all workers. It is therefore necessary to define the risks and inherent dangers and possible exposure to harmful factors  It will have to pay particular attention to pregnant women and the management of their schedules and possible constraints linked to their maternity. This includes, for example, the adaptation of workstations in accordance with the labour code or access to different parts of the site in the same way as disabled people could be constrained if the establishment or the location is not adapted. These tasks fall fully within the framework of managing the safety and working conditions of employees. It is not only physical or structural notions that are involved, but also possible wage pressure with harassment, whether moral or sexual, and possible sexist behaviour. The working conditions branch of the ETUC must be able to prevent these acts and to report them immediately if it learns of their existence.

In companies with fewer than 50 employees, the tasks to be dealt with are less restrictive and must cover all aspects of good management of the company and the working conditions of employees. There are no specific topics to be dealt with, as the committee is free to deal with the subjects that it considers most problematic.In order to archive and work methodologically, the CSE can set up an economic and social database, otherwise known as the BDES, which, by agreement with the company only, enables all the information required for the works council's recurrent consultations to be archived on paper or in electronic form.The information can be consulted exclusively by the members of the staff delegation of the CSE but also by all the trade union delegates. This file may contain information specific to the company's investment, whether social, material or immaterial.  

  • information on professional gender parity within the structure. 
  • The management of equity, debt and taxes is a key issue in the remuneration of employees and managers.  
  • The sets of social and cultural activities that have been put in place with the associated costs and possible repercussions. 
  • Management of remuneration with funders, particularly with regard to dividends and all financial flows to the company. 
  • Commercial and financial transfers to third-party entities and the management of partnerships are also information that must be notified within the BDES.